Meeting Minutes
Attendance: RyuukNL, Eric D | Kwak, The Podocasts,
Opening (how are you? what’s on your mind? what are you grateful for?)
- Eric D: has some concerns – who controls the hats? How can we protect against human behavior
- Stampede: most pertinent thing is the SifDAO <> Sifcore committee. Also is looking forward to the fact that leadership is off-loading some tasks. More importantly, the more that is off-loaded to SifDAO, the more people will gain trust.
- Ryuuk: Saw that tank from IBC gang made a video about Sifchain, but didn’t see anyone responding to it.
- The Podocasts: Had an interview with the Jackal team yesterday. Recommends taking a look at the video because that’s the way to run a business.
Separating the three initiatives and ownership:
Bucky: Recommends starting with objectives and then doing the five why’s. This also enables the groups to communicate about the goals and how they’re going to get that done while getting broader feedback.
- Governance council
- Mission: to improve governance from the perspectives of transparency, usability, understand-ability. In other words: make governance more engaging and easier to understand.
- Goals:
- Have a good way to show proposals that went through
- How much time will they take to implement → part of the proposal process it to have clear execution details and accountability outlined on-chain, and follow-ups take place within the KanBan
- SifDAO <> Sifcore
- Stampede: sees urgency in this committee and hopes to get this on-chain as soon as possible.
- Wants to reduce noise around the questions and ensure there is a dedicated place to post the responses to them. Needs to be ultra-clear.
- Bucky: ensure that the process for communicating feedback is documented on-chain
- Collect questions
- Review them on a weekly basis
- Get responses
- Put into FAQs
- Ryuuk: Recommends keeping things concise and clear, and displaying them prominently
- On-boarding
- Stampede: There is interest in this, but we’ve been refocusing because there are larger issues that are looming. Organic on-boarding should still take place.
- Still makes sense to form a need and outline this so that when people do come about and are interested, they can join the group.
- Ryuuk: Why not put it out there that this is going on, are you interested in giving this a shot?
Move governance process and sifDAO <> Sifcore committee discussions to SifDAO roundtable
Use this time slot (5PM CEST) for the on-boarding group?
Outcome: repurpose this time slot for SifDAO <> Sifcore meeting
On-boarding example: RnDAO Onboarding